This Curvy Girls Life Podcast

5 Signs that you are a highly successful person, even if you feel like you're not.

Jana'e Michelle Season 1 Episode 2

Successful people have certain standards that they live by. These same standards are inherent in you as well. You just have the change your mindset.
In today's episode, join Jana'e Michelle, host, blogger,  & entrepreneur as we discuss "The 5 signs that you are a highly successful person."
If you've been struggling with success, not sure if you have what it takes? Then this is the podcast for you!

Speaker 1:

[inaudible]. Welcome to this curvy girls life podcast, a podcast designed to empower and encourage women to be the best and most authentic version of themselves. I am your host, John named Michelle, entrepreneur and blogger and this curvy girl's Before we hop into today's episode, if you are enjoying what you are hearing so far, I would love for you to hop on over and subscribe and rate us on iTunes or whatever platform you're listening on. For more information on our blog podcast and for a free printable, be sure to visit Now let's hop into today's episode. Hello and welcome back to this curvy girls life podcast. I am your host genre and Michelle and can you guys believe we are in episode number two? Yes, we've made it to episode number two. I do want to take just one quick second and really just say thank you to everyone who subscribed to the channel commented, rated, um, just shared our channel. Thank you guys so much for your support that you so much for your encouragement. We are so grateful and I just want to continue to just bring you guys the best possible content and make you guys smile a little, making me make you think a little, make you get up and follow your dreams and feel inspired and feel like you can be yourself through everything that you do and through every journey that you take. So, um, I just want to say thank you because you guys make me feel so great and I just pray and hope that I can bring you just a little bit of that back. So today's episode, I cannot believe we're in episode number two, but I am excited for it. So in today's episode we are going to be talking about D five size that you already have within you to be highly successful, but you may not feel like you do. And so today we are going to, I'm going to kind of dispel the myth of maybe how you feel that you're, that you're not successful and actually show you the, the signs and the traits that you already have within you, which automatically let you know that you have what it takes to be successful. So just a little bit of background as far as, um, me starting kind of like my entrepreneurial journey. Uh, many years ago I actually went to culinary school and after culinary school I decided to open up a catering company. Now, not gonna lie, I was nervous. I was young. It would have been literally my first business outside of doing like little things where you just sell stuff like for a dollar here, two 50 day or whatever. Um, but this would've been like my first actual company. And so it took me a very long time to pull the trigger because I just wasn't sure if I have what it took to be successful. Now, once I actually pulled the trigger and started promoting my services and started getting clients, can I tell you, it felt like home. It felt so good to be in that element. Now I have to be truthful to you with you. I had so many challenges. I've failed so many times, but I had to keep going if it was something that I wanted to do, if it was a company that I wanted to see thrive and succeed. So I kept pushing at it and it was, it's, it's, it's so funny that sometimes you don't realize that you already have certain tools or certain mindsets until one day and when you actually can take stock of kind of like what you've been through, what you've accomplished or you know, how you built something. And for me it was actually after, after I let my catering company go and went back to a nine to five is kind of when I realized like, wow, like you had some of the tools and some of the techniques and traits needed to be successful and you used it and you were successful in many areas in your business. But I didn't feel like that when I started, but I had those traits within me. And so that's why today we're having this conversation because I want to show you that you have the same traits, the same signs, these same feelings within you right now that help to make a successful business person. So what is point number one? So point number one is you crave knowledge. If you are one of those people that love learning, you love to read, you love listening to podcasts, audio books, or maybe you're watching YouTube videos on photography and, and all those different areas that you are interested in and you're just kinda almost immersing yourself in that you're craving that knowledge. You want to know more and, and you're finding it because we live in a time right now where a lot of this information is literally at your fingertips, um, on your phone. You can Google something right now. So you crave knowledge is one of the signs that you have what it takes to be a highly successful person. Point number two, you have a desire to help people. Do you know that there have been countless multimillion dollar companies that started with people in mind? That was their home premise. So if helping someone, if helping people is the the core foundation of your business, of who you are, you too can use that to be a very successful company, a very successful person. Hold on to this desire because it will take you far that desire to help people hold on to that. You want to hold on to that because that is what's gonna help continue to push you. It's gonna be a part of your why's. Going to be a part of that story that you tell that helps it take you and your business to another level. Like what you're hearing so far, make sure you never miss an episode by clicking that subscribe button right now. This episode is made possible by listeners like you, so thank you so much for your support. Now that's get back to the show. Point number three, you failed and kept going. The thing I love about failure is failure is only a delay. It's not a defeat, and it's really all about failing forward, falling forward, and then learning the lessons as you're falling, getting back up and using those lessons to try again. And if you fail again, you're going to get brand new lessons and you're going to use those lessons to try again. And some of the most successful people in the world will tell you that their success did not come by them winning every single time. They have many failures along the way. And a lot of people don't even realize like you just said, cause you see someone pop up on the music scene or a new actor or actress comes out and you don't know their backstory. They probably been singing since they were two in dive bars and other clubs and just trying to get, just trying to get their gift out to the world. And they could have been doing that for 10 years, 15 years, 20 years before they got that big break. We don't see the journey. You know, we, we don't actually see that part. We just kind of see the outcome of what that person went through. But you don't get to see like the blood, sweat and tears that went into that. And so I think it is so important to remember that the failures are those lessons learned. And if you want to succeed, you have to be willing to fail. So, um, yeah, just fail forward. So now, point number, I think we're on number four. You have self discipline and self control. So for me personally, this actually comes, um, for me, this actually comes through. Um, what am I trying to say? This actually comes through through fitness. For me, fitness has given me more self-discipline and more self-control than I've had in a very long time. Mmm. I didn't realize just how much I needed the structure of a fitness program that in turn helped me to add more self discipline and self control in my daily life. And so for a lot of people, this comes in different ways and sometimes you may already have this kind of inherently in you to have that self-discipline and that self-control. And I believe that we all have it because a lot of us have been through something. So if we wanted to lose weight, we found a way to stay focused. We found a way to lose the weight. That was self-discipline. That was self-control. If you were, um, like you know, taking a course in a college, a college course, you have to have self discipline and self control because there's lots of homework involved in that you're going to have to do reading, you're going to have writing assignments, you're going to have to go to class. Like all of this requires you to have some level of self control and self. And so we already have that inherently within us. We just have to be willing to change our mindsets to where we can channel that energy to be more self-disciplined, to have more self-control throughout our day. So we were tempted with that fast food. I don't or when we're attempted to, you know, hang out and play video games versus maybe hopping on our computer and working on our business plan. Like you have to kind of have that mindset in order to really take control of that self discipline and self control. But for me personally, fitness has been a strong reason why athletes, myself, control myself, discipline, um, have really leveled up in the last few years is because I've taken such an approach to fitness that now it has definitely penetrated all the areas of my life where I'm a little bit more focused, self disciplined and self-controlled throughout. You know, a lot of my areas, which I'm very proud of, but it took time, it took energy and it took effort and I think we all already have that within us to be successful. So point. Yeah, number five, Oh, excuse me, then my voice just cracked. So point point number five, you are motivated and driven. So passion plus desire to accomplish great things. You need passion plus desire to accomplish great things. If you are motivated to stay up late and work on that business plan, if you are motivated to put the kids to bed and after they're asleep, work on your degree or work on that business, you know, get those sales out, send out those emails, whatever it is. If you're motivated to do that, if you're driven to get up and make those calls, if you're driven to wake up at four 30 and hit the gym so that you can get to work refreshed and, and feeling ready for the day. If you are driven to succeed, meaning you are willing to put your best self forward in every situation, you are willing to show up in every situation, then you have what it takes to be a successful person. And this, these are two areas where once again we truly all have the motivation and the drive, but what it comes down to once again as I mentioned earlier, is our mindset. How is your mindset? Are you, are you really ready to take your life to another level? Are you really ready to experience what is already written? What is already there for you? But you have to put forth a little effort. You have to put forth some effort in order to get there. Are you ready to do that? And if you are, then you really need to think about where you are mentally. Do you have the mindset and how can you get there? What is the next step that you need to take in order to get to that next level? So if you notice that your motivation isn't there, you're not, your drive isn't there? What's blocking that? What's stopping you? And this is where, you know I am, I am not a psychologist. I'm not the one who's going to tell you to go to therapy. But this is where you may want to look into speaking to someone because you want to find out what is it that's stopping you from feeling motivated? What is it that's stopping you from having that drive to, to get up and, and, and, and go and, and make something and do something. What, what is stopping you? What is stopping you from having that self discipline or that self control?[inaudible] so right now that mindset is important because that's what's going to help get you to that next level. And you already have, all of these things are already within you. You just got awakened. It's like you gotta you gotta wake up the beast within. So you have to do, and you can be just as successful as a lot of these people that you hear about, that you see about, that you're reading about, that you're scrolling past or Instagram, you have everything that they have. You have the same tools, the same tools are available to you.[inaudible] what are you willing to do with them?[inaudible] so I just want to say thank you guys so much for just checking out the blog today. Those are my five tips you have. You crave knowledge as tip number one. Tip number two, you have a desire to help people. Number three, you've failed and kept going for you have self-discipline and self control. Five you are motivated and driven. So I hope that you guys truly enjoy these tips. I hope that you realize that you embody each and every single one of these and that you already have within you what it takes to be success. Success, Oh, excuse me, success fo you already have what it takes. And so I encourage you to really start to step into that step into knowing that you already have everything that you need within you and use that to take that next step that you need to take. Is it starting the business? Is it reaching out to that young lady or that young man that you had an eye on? Is it getting back into the gym? What is that next step for you? Find that. I encourage you all to find that because Hey, technically we only have this one life, so why not take advantage of it? Why not take full advantage of all of our dreams and aspirations? What's stopping you? So once again, thank you guys so much for joining me today on this curve, the girl's life podcast. I love you guys. And until the next one, deuces. Bye. Thank you so much for joining us in this week's episode of this curvy girls life podcast. Make sure to visit us at our website at this curvy girl's life, where you can subscribe to the show in iTunes, Stitcher, or via our S S so you'll never miss an episode. While you're added, if you found value in today's show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Want more? Sign up at this curvy girl's for our monthly newsletter and our free printables. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter at curvy girls life. Be sure to tune in next week for our next episode. Thank you guys so much for joining us today and beautiful people. Have a good one. See you next week, deuces. Bye.