This Curvy Girls Life Podcast

Showing Up in Life

Jana'e Michelle Season 1 Episode 3

80% of success is simply showing up. Are you fully showing up in all areas of your life? Have you made a resolution for 2020, to Show Up?
In today's episode, join Jana'e Michelle, host, blogger,  & entrepreneur as we discuss "Showing Up in Life"
If you've been struggling with showing up for yourself? Then this is the podcast for you!

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Welcome to this curvy girls life podcast, a podcast designed to empower and encourage women to be the best and most authentic version of themselves. I am your host, Jana'e Michelle, entrepreneur and blogger at this curvy girl's Before we hop into today's episode, if you are enjoying what you are hearing so far, I would love for you to hop on over and subscribe and rate us on iTunes or whatever platform you're listening on. For more information on our blog podcast and for a free printable, be sure to visit us Now let's hop into today's episode. Hello and welcome to this curvy girls life podcast. I am your host, Jana'e Michelle and you have officially made it to episode number three. Yes, we have made it to episode three in the new year. So I just want to get, want to just say thank you guys so much for your support and uh, right now we are going to hop into today's podcast. So today we're going to be talking about showing up in life. So part of the reason why I chose this topic for today is because every year, especially at the beginning of the year, I like to choose a word or a phrase, that kinda embodies where I see myself in the next 12 months. And you know, at the end of 2019 when I was thinking about, okay, what is my mood or my phrase or my saying or whatever it is, what is it going to be for 2020? And for some reason show up, kept popping up in my head, show up. And so I have to take stock and be like, wait a minute, I thought, you know, I'm living my life and paying my bills. I'm going to work. I'm starting a podcast and doing this and I be, I kinda feel like I'm showing up. So I heard, I don't think that that's, that's it, right? Like I was like, no, that, that, that can't be the word. I kept thinking, kept thinking and guess what kept popping up, show up. So I then had to take stock on my personal life, my business endeavors, and really take a deep dive into what, what am I really doing? And I r ealized that I was showing up, but only to a degree is that a showing up at 100% capacity in certain areas of my life. I was showing up at 80% here, 75% there. Ooh, I'm doing good this week. I showed up at 90%. They're like, but it wasn't a full 100% because if I was showing up in every aspect of my life at 100%, then I knew that I would honestly be a little bit further, um, in my career a little bit further with my relationships. And I knew that it would just be another level if I was truly showing up in life. And so I wanted to share my thoughts around that, how I came to this word and, or to these words and how they have really helped me, really helped me kind of navigate what I see myself doing in 2020. So we are going to hop right in to showing up in life. So my first point is to take responsibility. Yes, take responsibility. Nobody is going to make your life for you. We are where we are because of decisions that we have made that have got us to where we are right now. So we have to take responsibility for that. We can't blame our husbands or wives or our parents or anything like that because at a certain point you started to make decisions and those decisions brought you to where you are right now. So you have to take responsibility for where you are at. And that was something that scared me because I realized that there are a lot of areas in my life that I may have placed blame on my mom or society or whatever it was and I didn't take full responsibility, which meant I was not showing up fully in those areas of my life. So taking responsibility is such a huge component of being able to show up and taking responsibility makes you really take stock of your life, looking over your endeavors, looking over your failures, your successes, and really analyzing like wow, like I didn't take responsibility in this area. I was leaning on and blaming this person. I may not have forgave that person. So I allow me not forgiving them to just make me salty or Taint my thoughts on this area of my life. Or when you take responsibility, something shifts, you have a shift in your life. And the beautiful part about that shift is it allows you to do something great. And that's something great is actually my next point. And that is act brave. Have you felt insecure? Have you felt less than or, or just smaller than, or maybe you were comparing yourself to other people or whatever it was. You weren't feeling brave. And to show up in life, to show up in life, you have to put those shoulders back, have that head held high and take that step toward what's in front of you. And when you do that, you have to have that brave sense of, of that brave feeling. You have to feel that way in order to take the next step, like what you're hearing so far, make sure you never miss an episode by clicking that subscribe button right now. This episode is made possible by listeners like you, so thank you so much for your support. Now let's get back to the show. Now, one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown has a quote and it's vulnerability, is all about showing up and being seen. It's tough to do that when we're terrified about what people might see or think. When we're terrified of what people might think or see in us, it stops us from being brave. Now, a lot of people will be like, well, how is being brave? Being vulnerable? Vulnerability breaks down the walls. You don't have walls up. When you're vulnerable, you're, you're willing to feel every emotion. You're willing to experience everything around you fully and completely. And you're also willing to let people see every, every part of you without, without apologies, without only showing this piece or 90% of yourself or 10% of yourself know you show up and you show everything. The acting brave is, is difficult because you are stepping out and you are being vulnerable. But in order to truly, truly, truly show up in life, you have to take that step and act brave. Brave is just, I can tell you, each of us have a story. Each of us have a story. When we, we were brave enough to do something and for me that was in high school. I actually was the drum major for our band. And being the drum major was difficult because I was a drum major with this gentleman named Melvin who may be listening to this podcast. So what's up Melvin? But he was so good at being a drum major. I mean his Baton twirls, his dancing, his signaling like he was so good and I felt so small compared to him. Our teacher, our band teacher decided to put us in a drum major competition. Now I practiced with Melvin. We would practice after school, on the weekends. I, we made it a point to like get our routines down, but a couple of days before I tell you guys, I just, I just couldn't, like my body wouldn't let me do it. My mind wouldn't let me do it. My heart wanted it, but everything in me was saying no. Saturday morning came the day of the competition, I woke up, my band teacher actually picked us up. I sat in the back of his car and as we drove there, I remember looking at the street signs and just all these things just whipped and pass. As we're driving and we get to the school where the competition is held and as we pull up, there's just, this wave that comes over me and I realize today you are about to step out of here. You're going to do the thing that you've been wanting to do all year and guess what, you, you may mess up or you may do a freaking fantastic job and win the competition but you won't know unless you off the fear and act brave and step out. And that's exactly what I did. I stepped out. And although I didn't win the competition, can I tell you I had the most amazing time up there in front of those judges, twirling my Baton with my whistle, giving my commands, doing the thing that drum majors do. And when I walked off, I left it all out there. I showed up in that moment that was well over 20 years ago. And that feeling that I can remember from that moment still resides within me. And so I know what acting brave means, how it feels, and these are things that I want to incorporate every day in my life. So that way I can show up in every area of my life and give it 100%. There's a quote by Woody Allen that says 80% of success is just showing up. So what is showing up? just starting. Doing the thing that you've been talking about, show up. Just start even on those days where you don't feel like showing up. It can make all the difference when you do those days and you just, you just like, I can't, I can't, not today, but you still go out and you do it even though you may feel heavy or just out of sorts, but you go through it, you show up. But the beautiful part about that is when you show up on those days that you feel like you don't

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you end up showing up and you ended up creating something beautiful. You do. You just have to be able to step back and really look at it. But you actually create something beautiful on those days where you fully show up. So show up whether that means at work, cause I know some of us are working that nine to five but we got that after work hustle. So that nine to five you may not necessarily be showing up and, and be truthful. If you have a job where it's kinda like, eh, you know, it's a, it's, it's a check. Are you fully showing up there? And the thing is, is you're not showing up for them. They're not showing up for your boss or they're showing up for your manager. You're not showing up for the owners. You are showing up for you. So if you're showing up, be present at work, be committed to getting something done. So if that means executing that project that you've been talking about, if it's finishing that book, that manuscript that you got sitting on your bookshelf, that's collecting dust. If that's you getting ready to do your Ted talk, even though you may not have been asked, but you're preparing yourself by doing motivational speaking, I speaking to small groups by joining clubs or, or groups that allow you to learn to speak better, show up in those areas of your life. Pour your heart, sweat and tears into those areas of your life and show up. It is going to make the biggest difference in your life when you show up, because at the end of your life, when you are laying on your bed, you can honestly say, I showed her, I showed up for my family, I showed up for my spouse, I showed up for my job, I showed up for my business, I showed up for you know my for all those things. You, you, you did it and you will look back and there will just be this sense of pride in yourself because you did what a lot of people don't do. You show that. So I really hope that this podcast encourages you to show up in your mind, to take responsibility, to act brave, to show up on the days when you don't feel like showing up and even while you're doing the things that are just kinda like, Oh, okay, maybe. Maybe that's your job. Maybe you know, maybe you're just not feeling it. Show up. Not for them, but for you so that you can say, you know what? Today, regardless of if this job is the best job or the job that I'll be at for the rest of my life or the job that I may be leaving tomorrow today, today, I showed up. Thank you guys so much for listening to today's podcast, and I really hope that you take this next week and look at your life. See what areas that you can show up in, and I want you to take responsibility, act brave, and even on those days where you just not feeling it, I want you to show up so that at night when you lay your head down, you can know that you gave this world your all. Thank you guys. Thank you so much for joining us in this week's episode of this curvy girls life podcast. Make sure to visit us at our website at this curvy girls life, uh, dot com where you could subscribe to the show in iTunes, Stitcher, or via R S S so you'll never miss an episode while you're at it. If you found value in today's show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Want more? Sign up at this curvy girl's for our monthly newsletter and our free printables. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter at curvy girls life. Be sure to tune in next week for our next episode. Thank you guys so much for joining us today and beautiful people. Have a good one. See you next week. Deuces.