This Curvy Girls Life Podcast

Stop blocking your own success!

March 04, 2020 Jana'e Michelle Season 1 Episode 6

Have you ever doubted yourself and allowed the doubt to stop you from moving forward with something that you knew you would be good or successful at?
I have, and today I'm sharing why you should stop blocking your own success.

Join Jana'e Michelle, host, blogger,  & entrepreneur as we discuss "Stop blocking your own success"
If you're ready to to be successful, Then this is the podcast for you!

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speaker 0:   0:00
welcome to this curvy Girls Life podcast, a podcast designed to empower and encourage women to be the best and most authentic version of themselves. I am your host, Jana'e Michelle entrepreneur and blogger at Before we hop to today's episodes, If you're  enjoying what you are hearing so far, I would love for you to help on over and subscribe and rate us on iTunes or whatever platform you're listening on. For more information on our blog, podcast and for a free printable, be sure to visit us at Now that's hop into today's episode.  

speaker 0:   0:52
Hey, everyone, this is your girl, Jana'e Michelle back with another podcast. I just want to say thank you guys for tuning in and joining the show. Today's topic is going to be Stop blocking your own success. I wanted to talk about this because a few things happened this week to me and one of the things that actually stood out was, if you're following me on instagram, which you should be,   I actually have to instagram pages. I have curvy girls life, which is my main page. And then I have this curvy girls fitness where I have been documenting my weight loss and fitness lifestyle change journey, and through this process, I gain just like a lot of people who are just supportive. I had this community that's just surrounding me and lifting me up. It's been an amazing, an amazing journey so far, But I am, you know, for lack of a better word. I'm pretty consistent in my workouts. And so when I went to the gym recently, someone asked me. When was I going to start training? And I looked at them like, um, I'm not a trainer. Still nowhere near my goal. I'm nowhere near what I feel like. I've accomplished anything like, you know, I mean, don't get me wrong I'm very excited to where I'm at during this journey, but I don't feel what am I trying to say? I just didn't feel qualified to be a trainer, and the person said, You know, I think you should do it and I started laughing because I said, It's funny this week. I You're not the only person that's actually that it's actually happened about three or four times and she was like, Well, see, that's that you're being told right there that you need to do this. And I was just like, Yeah, but I'm still just not there. So there we were chatting, and I told her that I also received a couple of people asking, like for my workout plans and, like, you know, howto my structure, my workouts and can I provide what I'm doing to them. And she said, You know, people pay for that. And once again, you know, just like Yeah, but I'm just I'm not that person And she said, Look, then they have been following you on your journey, so they know that you're not a certified trainer. They know that you don't work for Gold's Gym, whatever. They just see what you're doing. And they are drawn to that, and they want to meet him to do what you do. And I was just like, huh? Okay, that's interesting. So when I got home, I actually told my mom about it, and then my mom said the exact same thing. She's like, those people are looking at you and they wanna follow your routine. And she was like, You may not be a trainer, but apparently they see something in you that inspires them. And so this could be something for you to look into. And that's what made me come up with this particular topic this week was stopped blocking your own success because one of the first point I wanted to make was or questions that I have for you guys is, Have you ever had several people tell you something within a short period of time and you ignored it? Whether it was you should be a writer. Your stories are amazing or you should be a singer because your voice is so beautiful or  just although those things that you know, you've been told before. But maybe because you just didn't feel ready, you didn't feel like you have what it takes to be or do those things you step  back, and you allowed that blessing to pass you by. And so today, I really I want to drill into you that we have a bad habit of blocking the things that really can create our own success. So if you have that feeling of, I don't have what it takes, we sit there, we tell ourselves We're not qualified. We're not ready. We're unsure of ourselves. Those are all fear. That's fear speaking. That is not your talent. That is not your skill. That is not you. That is fear holding back from doing something that can truly be, Excuse me, A successful venture for you.  

speaker 0:   6:02
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speaker 0:   6:22
So when you move forward and someone bring something up. I think one of the best things to do is take a step back. Think about is it for me, and it's true now. Some of these things may not resonate with you, but if it resonates with you, if it's in your heart, it's in your spirit. If it's something that you thought about, but once again, you kind of doubted yourself. But it keeps coming back, keeps creeping back into your life. You're trying. You are blocking the blessing of your own success. So I want to ask you something  when someone says these things to you. You should be a writer. Your stories are amazing. Can you try it? This simple word of try. Can you try it? If you fail, at least you're no versus not knowing, You know, if it worked out, if it doesn't work out, you know what? Maybe what didn't work out in that. And if you did decide to try again, you learned the lesson. You've learned how to be able to turn that around and do something different the next time, but that still get you even closer to your goal. But what if you try it and you don't fail? What if you are wildly successful? One if it brings you riches, that brings you peace. And brings you Joy, Because you're doing something that you love. Have you ever thought of that? We always tend to think about the failures or the fear more than we think about the outcome of it being successful. And I think that's what stops us. That's what holds us back. And so today I want to encourage you to just take a step forward when someone says something like that to you. And something is resonating in your heart don't allow fear and doubt to stop you. A lot of the people that you listen to, that you look up to that you follow on social media. Guess what? They had to start somewhere. And a lot of people did not go to school to be influencers. They didn't go to school to be business owners. But guess what they are today. And I'm sure they felt fearful and unsure and nervous about not doing something right or maybe feeling fake. Feeling Like Okay, I'm not this thing. People are gonna find me out one day, But when you have knowledge and you have skills and you have something that you can pass along that you can give to others, isn't that what we're here for? Isn't Aren't we here to encourage and push one another to give to one another to love one another and acts of love acts of service sometimes is actually giving away your skills, giving away your talent, showing people that they can do this too. And so I think that we have to start to look at that and take a page from one of my favorite YouTube channels Is the Try Guys. I don't know if any of you guys watch them before, but it's four guys who make these crazy videos where they just try different things. That's why it's called the try guys, and what I love about it is they take away the fear and they just try it. If they fail, it's funny if they fail, it was an experience. If they fail, it's okay. But they tried it. And then sometimes they try things and it actually becomes something that they love. One of the episodes was how to bake bread and you had to bake bread without a recipe. So the Try Guys bake bread without a recipe. I believe that's what the title was called, and one of the guys fell in love with baking bread. And now that is one of his hobby is one of things that he loves to do. So sometimes just the act of trying allows us to find the thing that we are supposed to do. That being that we enjoy doing so you have to just learn to try it.  

speaker 0:   11:21
 Have you ever I had someone tell you these things, like you should be a singer and maybe they don't know that you've taken the voice lessons or you play the piano or you have a notebook full of songs, but you've never gone out and show more of these talents you started, but you never pulled the trigger to finish. And after, like this is the time this is that moment for you to pull the trigger. Stop blocking your own success. Don't let fear, negative thinking, the need for approval, being insecure or comparing yourselves to others stop you. All of these things are just levels of fear. Trust who you are. Trust your skills. Trust your talents, then trust your heart. If you feel it in your heart and your spirit, then you're supposed to do it. You're supposed to do that thing, and if you fail, don't allow failure to win. Learn a lesson from it. Take the lesson from the failure and if it's something that you truly, truly love starting again. But now you're going to start again with new eyes because you now know the things that work. The thing that didn't so today I want you to stop blocking your own success.

speaker 0:   13:20
for joining us this week. You guys make sure to visit us at our website at this curvy girls life. A dot com where you could subscribe to the show and iTunes stitcher or via our SS So you'll never miss an episode. Why you're added If you found value in today's show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Want Maur? Sign up at this curve a girl's life dot com for our monthly newsletter and are free principles. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter at curvy Girls Life. Be sure to tune in next week for our next episode. Thank you guys So much for joining us today. And beautiful people have a good one. See you next week deuces Bye.